Hog's Hangout is your premier resort, featuring the best in rustic grandeur. With over two dozen cabins, five cottages and a castle we have a domicile just for you. While other resorts have let the recent economic hard times bring them down, we have been renovating and rebuilding. We now feature running water*, indoor and outdoor plumbing**, weather proof roofing and all new decor***.

Swamp Living Never Felt So Good!

Get away from the awful smog and drudgery of the city and enjoy the pure clean air of the swamp. Our mosquitos work tirelessly to keep it moving so even on the hottest days there's a breath of cool air crawling down your back.

And our resort is good for the skin! The latest reports from the CDC are that the horrific rash outbreak last year did not come from our mud. So why go to an expensive resort where you have to walk to the mud spa: at Hog's Hangout you just walk out the front door of your bungalow and there you are! And some of our bungalows feature built-in mud spas!

Hog's Hangout, Your Last Resort

We know you like to get away in style, but are budget sensitive as well. We can accomodate all clientele regardless of financial situations. We bring in the finest hot cuisine for our premier guests and for those down on their luck will even pay for your fare here. We know you won't want to leave, so don't worry about return monies. Our guests are always satisfied and have great things to say about us.

Wash Your Blues Away

Here at Hog's Hangout, we know how to find the silver linin' on any cloud. It ain't hard, really. You just look up and watch the rain pourin' down. Especially here recently. We got more rain than a river full of trout and its washed last years smells right outa the swamp. So if you live some place that's got too much sun, just come on over and we can give you all the grey skies you could ever want.

For peace and quiet, there's nothing quite like Hog's Hangout. You might be dozing off on the porch outside your bungalow, or in the mud bath conveniently located inside when -- wham! -- there's a shot gun blast. Sometimes there are screams, too. If you like your scaley friends you'll find plenty of 'em here, too. There're the croc's, of course, and water moccasins, and all kinds of lizards. Very special place.

— Aazoth, Dhahran

We meet at Hog's Hangout for the family reunion every year. It's always fun to see the new faces and I especially enjoy the swimming competitions.

— S.J., Innsmouth

* no more stagnant water! Even the deepest backwaters now have water circulators installed. If you catch one, please release it and no biting! We offer snacks at the Watch House.

** if the lack of plumbing has been holding you back then get ready to come on over! We have installed the finest out houses donated by neighboring farms and if you are feeling modest bed pans are available for most abodes.

*** These roofs have withstood the fiercest hurricanes and were only slightly damaged during retrieval and reinstallation. Many are now decorated by Mother Nature with all new water stains, rubbish and refuse!