The Castle was an unexpected find on one of Hog's excursions. After clearing and restoring the edifice at great personal expense it stands today, a towering reminder of hubris. It has character and style that are timeless. Forget the leaning tower of pizza, or hadrian's wall—this is the real deal!
The stone walls tower over the swamp with the tower rising an impressive thirty feet above ground. Some of the wall comes up to ten feet while other parts rise to twenty feet. Two of the gate arches are intact and Hog has installed access to the upper stories.
Whether you are interested in a unique place to have a wedding or convention, or a uniquely appropriate place to stage an historical re-enactment, this is the place for you. For a mere 10,000
Be afraid, be very afraid. Not of the gators (though they're bad enough), but of Teo. It ain't natural what that fellow looks like. Sometimes I think he ain't even human.
— Scabbers, Arkansas