We are proud to offer these package deals to encourage your business. Bring a friend! Bring two! Bring hitchhikers! C'mon down and enjoy everything the swamp has to offer!
Search parties for lost guests may incur additional fees. This is a swamp, bodies will float unless thoroughly trapped. Not responsible for animal assaults. Don't bother the critters and they might not bother you.
After the last litter it was the last straw. Too many mouths to feed and something had to break, so of course it was the bank. Foreclosures are hard, and in this economy its hard to know where your next meal is going to come from. But that Teo is a regular saint. His outreach program found me in the nick of time. We were all set to start given em up for adoption, but now we can keep the whole family together. That saint Teo even chartered a bus special to pick us up as there're too many of us for the van. Now I know where my next meal is coming from and its all thanks to Teo.
— Relieved, Sacramento