Of the approximately two dozen bungalows about half are available at any given time. Those still undergoing repairs can be rented at half the normal rate. All bungalows share the same floor plan: they have a bunk or cot, an entry way, and a dresser or chest to put your belongings. They also have walls made of all natural wood (no synthetics here!) and roofs are either shingled with bark or thatched with brush. All building materials originated in Hog's Swamp allowing the bungalows to blend in perfectly. If you didn't know they were there you wouldn't recognize them!
Illumination is provided by lanterns and hurricane lamps. You can purchase oil at the Watch House for a nominal fee. If there is a stove you can use the oil to light whatever found wood you have collected. No outdoor bonfires allowed, no exceptions. Except for Hog and the Watch House.
I was astonished when I saw that Hog was on facebook. Give them a million likes!
— Mark, Palo Alto